The Archway is a highly acclaimed exhibit featuring a self-guided tour that takes visitors on a 180-year journey from the Oregon Trail Era to the present day. It offers a memorable experience suitable for individuals of all ages.
Last Tour @4:30pm

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Every year thousands of public school, private school, and homeschool students visit the Archway to learn about Nebraska’s unique role in the building of America.  Many of them are 4th graders who are learning about Nebraska history in their social studies classes. The story of life...

Road tripping through Nebraska this summer?  Take some time to explore the town of Kearney.  Sure, there are lots of chain restaurants and hotels near I-80.  But, Kearney is more than a “pit stop.” Once you head into town, you’ll discover activities, local eateries, and...

When early wagon trains followed the path along the Great Platte River Road to the west, they often had their first encounters with herds of American bison near present-day Kearney, Nebraska.   Some of the pioneers immediately stopped their wagons and rushed off on a hunt. ...

Road tripping across Nebraska this summer?  Plan to stop at the Archway at I-80 Exit 275.  Then, stay and play for a while in Kearney.  We have plenty to offer for the most adventurous travelers. Packing a bicycle?  At the Archway, you can access some of...

In 1843, Marcus Whitman helped to lead the first great wagon train on the ancient Native American trail that followed the Platte River through the land that would later become Nebraska. It was the first leg of the pioneer’s journey that would take a total...

Many stories of life on the Oregon Trail focus on the challenges and hardships that went along with taking a cross-country journey in an ox-drawn wagon.  But, it’s estimated that about 40,000 of the emigrants who made the trip out West were children.  They worked...

Every pioneer had his or her own reasons for heading west.  Some had heard about the rich farmland in the area that would later become Oregon, others traveled to escape an economic recession in the Eastern cities. Still, others felt that the change of climate...