The Archway is a highly acclaimed exhibit featuring a self-guided tour that takes visitors on a 180-year journey from the Oregon Trail Era to the present day. It offers a memorable experience suitable for individuals of all ages.
Last Tour @4:30pm

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Whoa, what’s up there? For folks that are in a hurry, we give a simple answer to briefly explain the journey “up there.” It’s 170 years of history that details the stories of the millions of travelers who journeyed along what we call the Great Platte...

Superheroes leap over tall buildings in a single bound. They save the world from impending destruction by the hands (or tentacles) of invading aliens bent on taking over Earth and enslaving the human race. Superheroes stop villains from robbing banks, kidnapping children and assist the...

Get ready folks, the summer of 2015 is going down at The Archway as the #archwaysummeroffun. We’ve had some pretty fun summers over our last 15 years, but I have a feeling this summer is going to be over the top.      Not only will The...

The Archway is home to an award-winning and unique exhibit that details the stories of the thousands of fearless pioneers who traveled the Oregon, Mormon and California trails. It continues through the age of the Iron Horse on the first transcontinental railroad, the telegraph and...

#archiesadventures is an all-encompassing social media hashtag that brings together my fun experiences whether they’re at The Archway or from one my world travels. My blog will give you an inside look into events at The Archway and help you share in all of my...