The Archway is a highly acclaimed exhibit featuring a self-guided tour that takes visitors on a 180-year journey from the Oregon Trail Era to the present day. It offers a memorable experience suitable for individuals of all ages.
Last Tour @4:30pm

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Get-Together Show and Shine – NEW LOCATION

Date: July 19, 2019
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am

BECAUSE OF DAMAGE TO THE ARCHWAY’S ACCESS ROAD CAUSED BY RECENT FLOODING, THIS EVENT HAS BEEN MOVED TO THE BUFFALO COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS AT AVENUE N AND 39TH STREET IN KEARNEY.  WE APOLOGIZE FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE THIS CAUSES.  HAPPY CRUISE NITE!  The Archway and the Central Nebraska Auto Club team up to present a Get-Together Show and Shine in connection with Kearney’s Cruise Nite.  No registration is needed.  Just polish up the little “Deuce Coupe,” pick up your favorite bobby soxer, and head on in to show your classic car or just check out all the others.  We’ll be firing up the grill, spinning some classic tunes, the Archway’s historical exhibit will be open for tours until 7:00, and we’ll even have pie for dessert. What could be better than this?