The Archway is a highly acclaimed exhibit featuring a self-guided tour that takes visitors on a 180-year journey from the Oregon Trail Era to the present day. It offers a memorable experience suitable for individuals of all ages.
Last Tour @4:30pm

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Archie’s Adventure Camp Second Semester Package 2019-2020

Date: January 17, 2020
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am

The Archway partners with Buffalo County 4-H Extension Service and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission to develop lesson plans for Archie’s Adventure Camps that are created from evidence-based educational models and are part of the STEM curriculum. Save time and money by signing up for the entire semester of Archie’s Adventure Camps through the end of the 2019-2020 school year. The package includes Archie’s Adventure Camps on January 20; February 12, 13, 14; March 6; March 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 (spring break); April 9, 10, 13; and May 6. Sign up for the entire semester now and save $15 off the total price of these camps if purchased separately. You’ll also have the peace of mind of knowing that your students will be ready to enjoy valuable learning experiences on their days off from Kearney Public Schools. Snacks and lunches are included. This offer is in effect through January 17. Call the Archway at (308) 237-1000 or register online at the link to the left.